Monday, September 21, 2009

Back again

So my plan was to post pics from everywhere I went but lack of adequate internet connectivity prevented me from doing this all summer. So stay tuned for pics of my summer adventures as well as some new ones coming soon.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

On the Road Again...

This is the trailer I lived in for the first part of the summer. Okay, but really uncomfortable bed and my back has been seriously messed up for the past month. Boo hoo me.

All packed and ready to move on again!

I made it to SD and decided to go see Mt. Rushmore. It was pretty cool.

In the Black Hills. If you look really hard you can see Rocky Raccoon.

I also got to Ft. Hayes where Dances With Wolves was filmed and here is part of the set.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Here is another ND sunset.

Here is a nice spot where I work sometimes.

At Work in ND

I am so cool...I was the first one on my crew to find a piping plover nest! Isn't it cute!

The other day we went to a boat ramp and saw a moose! My first time seeing a moose in "the wild"...even if I was safely in the truck.

So things aren't really working out as planned here in ND and I have gotten another job offer in Colorado, which I will be taking and going to hopefully in a couple of weeks. Soon I will be on the move again!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

On my way

I visited Gerrit in New York and got a tour of the brewery.

I visited Matt in Wisconsin. Here is a nice rest stop that had a trail thru the woods.

I made it to ND. If you look real hard, you'll see there is snow on the ground still.

My first ND sunset...not a very god picture actually. It doesn't get dark here til like after 930.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hiking With My Dad

The first three pictures are from near the AT off of Rt. 7 in CT. The last two are from hiking at Rocky Neck State Park. Doesn't it look like I am trying to eat that island? Then my dad sat in a tree.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

getting ready

I haven't posted anything in a while because I have been going crazy getting ready to move...this entails packing evrything i own and storing it and then trying to be prepared for ND and Scotland. Also I lost my cord to attach my camera to the computer. Soon i will find it and post the cool things I have done in the past few weeks. peace

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I love nails!

March 7 we played nails! And climbed a tree.

Friday, February 27, 2009

7 more months!
Check this out if you wanna know what I am going to school for in the fall.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A crappy start, a better ending.

Today I woke up feeling really low. I decided what i needed was to get outside, even though it was really gray. I went hiking at my favorite spot. I saw some really cool fungus. I also saw that there was a fire near Tory's Den. Then the sun came out.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

what i have been up for the past 6 months

After returning from nantucket, i was bit in the face by a dog.

I went to a couple of birthday parties and took this awesome picture of ruth.

I went to a haunted graveyard at Lake Compounce with some friends.

I dressed up for halloween.

I rang in a new year with some friends i never get to see anymore. boohoo.

I went to Syracuse to hang out and to drink beer. i lost my camera. we went hiking. i went home. my camera was found.

here i go

I am copying what all the cool kids are doing and starting a blog. How 2000's of me. I figure it will also be a good way for people to check out what i am up to and tag along with me in all my travels. I will post pictures and such so you can pretend to experience the world with me.