Sunday, October 24, 2010

Some updates

here are some updates from me:
I went to the beach today for a mid afternoon walk and it was fa-reezing! But i love the beach:)
I have a job offer, but I am not sure if I should take it because it would mean at least a 3 hour commute every day for not much pay. Still, the company seems cool as do the people I would work with. Decisions, decisions...
And, what else????
A really good way to stay warm is to boil water, put it in your nalgene, and put it under the covers with you. The water stays hot for a very long time! Saving money on that heating bill~
Ok so this is a boring post, but I am trying to write more often:P

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

...back again...again...

So i wrote over a year ago that i would get back on this stuff...hmmm... guess i was having too much fun in 'real' life to get on this thing again.
But now that I am out of school and out of work....maybe i can start again for real this time.

So a few weeks ago i was obsessed with wondering where certain phrases and words came from. For example: 'with bells on', 'numskull' (which i have learned is spelled without a b), and other such exciting things i won't bore you with or which i can't remember because the obsession has passed and i have moved onto bigger and better things, like moping because i am bored and lonely:(
Don't feel bad for me, that's not why i said i felt lonely, but you know it's just a human thing everyone goes thru (mostly).

Now i seem to obsessed with '...'. it's like the perfect punctuation for the way i talk, you know...just trail off and space out, out of the blue, just like that.............

The past year has been pretty much amazing. I love living in edinburgh! I want to stay here for a long time, but since I can't find a job, we'll see how that goes.

Since I am not working or studying, I need to find ways to exercise my brains. I have been reading a fair bit. Or should I say quite* a lot.:P
* who even says that?!
I went out in nature all last weekend and will try to do as much as possible because it seems I will have to get an indoorsy job, not an outdoorsy one since I live in a city now:(
And I guess this blog could be some brain exercise too, really.

I was feeling very antisocial for a long time like 3 weeks or a month. It started when I got really ill for 2 weeks after the most amazing festival, End of the Road, which I should post pics of sometime soon. (keep your eyes out for that) After getting ill and going thru weeks of some personal drama (boooooring) I seem to be getting out of that funk and hopefully into an amazingly awesome wave of positivity and action! (yeah right)

I am graduating Nov. 24! I will be awarded an MSc in Integrated Resource Management. Exciting times. Can't wait to see my parents, though I wish Jesse and Matt could come again!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Back again

So my plan was to post pics from everywhere I went but lack of adequate internet connectivity prevented me from doing this all summer. So stay tuned for pics of my summer adventures as well as some new ones coming soon.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

On the Road Again...

This is the trailer I lived in for the first part of the summer. Okay, but really uncomfortable bed and my back has been seriously messed up for the past month. Boo hoo me.

All packed and ready to move on again!

I made it to SD and decided to go see Mt. Rushmore. It was pretty cool.

In the Black Hills. If you look really hard you can see Rocky Raccoon.

I also got to Ft. Hayes where Dances With Wolves was filmed and here is part of the set.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Here is another ND sunset.

Here is a nice spot where I work sometimes.

At Work in ND

I am so cool...I was the first one on my crew to find a piping plover nest! Isn't it cute!

The other day we went to a boat ramp and saw a moose! My first time seeing a moose in "the wild"...even if I was safely in the truck.

So things aren't really working out as planned here in ND and I have gotten another job offer in Colorado, which I will be taking and going to hopefully in a couple of weeks. Soon I will be on the move again!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

On my way

I visited Gerrit in New York and got a tour of the brewery.

I visited Matt in Wisconsin. Here is a nice rest stop that had a trail thru the woods.

I made it to ND. If you look real hard, you'll see there is snow on the ground still.

My first ND sunset...not a very god picture actually. It doesn't get dark here til like after 930.