Wednesday, October 20, 2010

...back again...again...

So i wrote over a year ago that i would get back on this stuff...hmmm... guess i was having too much fun in 'real' life to get on this thing again.
But now that I am out of school and out of work....maybe i can start again for real this time.

So a few weeks ago i was obsessed with wondering where certain phrases and words came from. For example: 'with bells on', 'numskull' (which i have learned is spelled without a b), and other such exciting things i won't bore you with or which i can't remember because the obsession has passed and i have moved onto bigger and better things, like moping because i am bored and lonely:(
Don't feel bad for me, that's not why i said i felt lonely, but you know it's just a human thing everyone goes thru (mostly).

Now i seem to obsessed with '...'. it's like the perfect punctuation for the way i talk, you know...just trail off and space out, out of the blue, just like that.............

The past year has been pretty much amazing. I love living in edinburgh! I want to stay here for a long time, but since I can't find a job, we'll see how that goes.

Since I am not working or studying, I need to find ways to exercise my brains. I have been reading a fair bit. Or should I say quite* a lot.:P
* who even says that?!
I went out in nature all last weekend and will try to do as much as possible because it seems I will have to get an indoorsy job, not an outdoorsy one since I live in a city now:(
And I guess this blog could be some brain exercise too, really.

I was feeling very antisocial for a long time like 3 weeks or a month. It started when I got really ill for 2 weeks after the most amazing festival, End of the Road, which I should post pics of sometime soon. (keep your eyes out for that) After getting ill and going thru weeks of some personal drama (boooooring) I seem to be getting out of that funk and hopefully into an amazingly awesome wave of positivity and action! (yeah right)

I am graduating Nov. 24! I will be awarded an MSc in Integrated Resource Management. Exciting times. Can't wait to see my parents, though I wish Jesse and Matt could come again!

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