Friday, February 27, 2009

7 more months!
Check this out if you wanna know what I am going to school for in the fall.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A crappy start, a better ending.

Today I woke up feeling really low. I decided what i needed was to get outside, even though it was really gray. I went hiking at my favorite spot. I saw some really cool fungus. I also saw that there was a fire near Tory's Den. Then the sun came out.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

what i have been up for the past 6 months

After returning from nantucket, i was bit in the face by a dog.

I went to a couple of birthday parties and took this awesome picture of ruth.

I went to a haunted graveyard at Lake Compounce with some friends.

I dressed up for halloween.

I rang in a new year with some friends i never get to see anymore. boohoo.

I went to Syracuse to hang out and to drink beer. i lost my camera. we went hiking. i went home. my camera was found.

here i go

I am copying what all the cool kids are doing and starting a blog. How 2000's of me. I figure it will also be a good way for people to check out what i am up to and tag along with me in all my travels. I will post pictures and such so you can pretend to experience the world with me.